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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Jonathan Schabruch 07/03/2010 110823 Five rounds for time of:
40 Double-unders
30 Box jumps, 24 inch box
20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
15m 02s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 07/01/2010 120403 Five rounds for time of:
45 pound barbell Overhead walking lunges, 50 feet
21 Burpees

Let trailing knee gently kiss the ground on each lunge.
10m 40s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 06/29/2010 Overhead Squat 7X1 Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps 135-155-175-185-190-195(0)-195 lbs
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 06/28/2010 RJ Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
15 ft Rope Climb, 5 ascents
50 Push-ups
31m 58s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 06/27/2010 None 10 rounds of:
Run 100 meters
Rest 90 seconds
2m 24s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 06/24/2010 Sheepdog CrossFit 120521 For time:
Row 500 meters
Body weight Bench press, 30 reps
Row 1000 meters
Body weight Bench press, 20 reps
Row 2000 meters
Body weight Bench press, 10 reps
20m 00s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 06/22/2010 Elizabeth 21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips
9m 26s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 06/14/2010 Randy 75 pound Power snatch, 75 reps for time. 5m 37s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 06/13/2010 None 4 rounds of:
Run 800 meters
Rest 1 minute
11m 54s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 06/11/2010 Shoulder Press 5X5 Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5 reps 105-115-120-125-130(3) lbs
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 06/10/2010 The Seven Seven rounds for time of:
7 Handstand push-ups
135 pound Thruster, 7 reps
7 Knees to elbows
245 pound Deadlift, 7 reps
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
7 Pull-ups
37m 06s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 06/09/2010 Arnie With a single 2 pood kettlebell:
21 Turkish get-ups, Right arm
50 Swings
21 Overhead squats, Left arm
50 Swings
21 Overhead squats, Right arm
50 Swings
21 Turkish get-ups, Left arm
35m 56s
Workout Scaled
Jonathan Schabruch 06/07/2010 Nutts For time:
10 Handstand push-ups
250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
25 Box jumps, 30 inch box
50 Pull-ups
100 Wallball shots, 20 pounds, 10'
200 Double-unders
Run 400 meters with a 45lb plate
24m 13s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 06/05/2010 Fran Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster
4m 38s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 06/01/2010 Back Squat 5X5 Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps 225-235-235-235-235 lbs
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 05/31/2010 Tommy V For time:
115 pound Thruster, 21 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 12 ascents
115 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 9 ascents
115 pound Thruster, 9 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 6 ascents
18m 00s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 05/30/2010 Death by Pullup With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.
12 rounds 8 reps
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 05/28/2010 J.T. 21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips
8m 24s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 05/26/2010 Karen For time:
150 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
7m 15s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 05/26/2010 Clean and Jerk 7X1 Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps 155-175-185-185-195-205f-205f lbs
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 05/23/2010 CrossFit Total Back squat 1RM
Shoulder Press 1RM
Deadlift 1RM
265-275-285f lbs
145f-145f-140 lbs
315-345-350f lbs
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 05/22/2010 Eva Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups
48m 30s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 05/18/2010 Annie 50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:
6m 33s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 05/13/2010 Sheepdog CrossFit 130510 Five rounds of:
5 Dumbbell deadlifts
5 Dumbbell hang cleans
5 Dumbbell push presses
5 Dumbbell squats

Increase the load each round. Rest as necessary between rounds.
80-90-100-110-120 lbs
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 05/11/2010 Sheepdog CrossFit 120702 For time:
70 Burpees
60 Sit-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
40 Pull-ups
30 Handstand push-ups
15m 19s
Performed as RX