About TrackMyPR
TrackMyPR is a free website that allows athletes to keep a log of their CrossFit workouts. TrackMyPR automatically compares your workout results to your previous efforts. TrackMyPR also automatically updates your Metcon and Weightlifting benchmarks. All your workout results are easily searchable and can be shared with anyone or hidden to everyone except yourself based on your security preferences.

TrackMyPR allows gym owners to create a gym profile page for their box. The gym profile page displays contact information for the box. Gym owners can post their daily WOD to the gym profile page and it will display on the TrackMyPR homepage for the gym's members. A leaderboard of results is automatically generated for each WOD and this leaderboard can be displayed directly to a gym's website or blog.

We are committed to making TrackMyPR the easiest and most complete CrossFit workout logging tool.