Parker Mctarnaghan


Keshequa High School

Workouts Posted:
Nunda, NY
United States

Personal Records

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Run 400m:
Run 5km:
Row 500m:
Row 2km:
Swim 500m:

TrackMyPR member since September 8, 2016   -   153 workouts logged

Date Name Description Results
06/05/2019 Q4-W13 Squat Benchmark #4 Max Squat Day

Warm Up with an appropriate weight based on your 2nd quarter max. Work up slowly to try to beat your best lift.

Begin with the barbell supported on top of the traps. The chest should be up and the head facing forward. Adopt a hip-width stance with the feet turned out as needed.

Descend by flexing the knees, refraining from moving the hips back as much as possible. This requires that the knees travel forward. Ensure that they stay align with the feet. The goal is to keep the torso as upright as possible.

Continue all the way down, keeping the weight on the front of the heel. At the moment the upper legs contact the lower legs reverse the motion, driving the weight upward.
185 lbs
Performed as RX
06/03/2019 Q4-W12 - Deadlift Benchmark #4 Approach the bar so that it is centered over your feet. You feet should be about hip width apart. Bend at the hip to grip the bar at shoulder width, allowing your shoulder blades to protract. Typically, you would use an over/under grip.

With your feet and your grip set, take a big breath and then lower your hips and flex the knees until your shins contact the bar. Look forward with your head, keep your chest up and your back arched, and begin driving through the heels to move the weight upward.

After the bar passes the knees, aggressively pull the bar back, pulling your shoulder blades together as you drive your hips forward into the bar.

Lower the bar by bending at the hips and guiding it to the floor.


Determining 1-Rep Max Deadlift

Warm-up with 10 REPS of 30% of max from Q1. From there, work your weight up with 1 rep per weight until attempting a max lift.
225 lbs
Performed as RX
05/20/2019 Q4-W4 - Benchpress Benchmark #4 Determining 1-Rep Max Benchpress

Warm-up with a light weight or push ups to reduce injury, then build to your 1-Rep Max.

1 set X 10 reps @ comfortable weight

Work up in weight and do no more than 2 reps per weight.

When comfortable, use Mr. Valentino as your spotter to attempt your official max weight.
155 lbs
Performed as RX
05/06/2019 Q4-W3 5 FOR 5 ROUND 2 5 Minutes

Perform as many rounds as possible, record full rounds and then repetitions (50 Reps per round)

10 Squat Jump
10 Push Ups
10 Leg Lifts
10 Body Tension Dips
10 Jumping Jacks
5 rounds 4 reps
Performed as RX
04/26/2019 Q4-W2 Chest Day 4 Sets - Flat Bench

Warm Up Set
12 Reps of 30% of 1 rep max
Working Sets
3 Sets of 6 Reps of 70% of 1 rep max

Log your Total Weight of all sets combined

Determining Total Weight Example:
1 Rep Max 100lbs
Warm Up Set
12 Reps with 30lbs
12 reps x 30lbs = 360lbs
Working Sets
3 sets of 6 reps with 70lbs
18 reps x 70lbs = 1260lbs
Add all four sets together:
360lbs + 1260lbs - 1620lbs Total Weight
145 lbs
Performed as RX